COVID-19 General Information

Direct links to Resources:
Alaska Department of Health & Social Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Social Security Administration
Mat-Su Borough COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 Testing at Capstone Clinic in Wasilla

COVID-19 Additional Provider & Agency Resources

Introduction: Links and resources for Alaskans relating to COVID-19. Some of those links pertaining to topics: Rent, Utility, Mortgage, Housing, Homelessness, Employment, Education, Food, Veterans, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Health assistance, Financial assistance, and Other Important Benefit Information. Read the full document below.

Mat-Su COVID-19 Resource Guide

Introduction: Mat-Su Valley resources relating to COVID-19. Resources provided have physical addresses, businesses involved with COVID-19 assistance, web addresses, phone numbers, and contact information.
Read the full document below.

Federal Stimulus Check Considerations

Introduction: “SDS is sharing information compiled by the National Association of State Directors of
Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS). NASDDDS offered this information as guidance
for the DD population but it may also be informative for all Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
recipients who are automatically receiving stimulus checks of $1200.”
Read the full document below.


Mat-Su Borough Coronavirus Website & Service Locator Map: Click Here
Currently, there is one drive-through testing site in Wasilla located at Capstone Clinic
Hours for Capstone Clinic: 8 AM to 8 PM Monday-Friday. 10 AM to 6 PM Saturday/Sunday 
Phone for Capstone Clinic: 907-864-4642
Location: 3122 E Meridian Park Loop in Wasilla
Please Read this Information from the Capstone Clinic Website

  • The mobile facility accepts enrolled patients of Capstone’s Eagle River, Palmer and Wasilla clinics to address suspected COVID-19 cases.
  •  If you are not a Capstone patient, you must enroll in your vehicle online onsite. 

Mobile Unit Process/Enrollment at Capstone
When you arrive onsite: Remain in your vehicle while calling a phone number designated on a sign at the mobile site. Verified Capstone patients will be placed in the queue for questions and/or testing if necessary, by a medical provider. If the patient is not enrolled with Capstone they will need to enroll (either in the vehicle line or at the adjacent parking lot out of the line or return once completed and the line allows room for them to wait), and once confirmed, can return to the mobile unit vehicle line.

Mobile Unit Testing/Results
Capstone medical practitioners will follow the recommended federal and State of Alaska inquiry and testing guideline protocols. Testing for COVID-19 will be provided based on symptoms and predictive diagnosis; if the patient doesn’t meet the federal CDC/State DHSS symptom threshold, they will not be tested but will be treated or referred based on their health issue. Capstone’s new mobile unit has limited radiologic and telemedicine capabilities, and a micro-lab for onsite testing other than COVID-19.  COVID-19 tests are sent to the State of Alaska Section of Epidemiology laboratory or to Quest labs, which is out of state.  Tests are also limited and Capstone cannot guarantee everyone can be tested and will advise in the mobile vehicle line and via web/social media if it is out of COVID-19 tests. The testing result time currently varies. As of March 18th, Capstone has been advised the wait time is from three (3) to eleven (11) days. Capstone, unfortunately, has no control over COVID-19 testing processes or result notification time. Self-quarantine and other facets of post-testing and results will be discussed with tested patients at the mobile site with Capstone medical staff based on federal and State of Alaska guidelines at that time.

How Alaskans can Prepare and Fight against COVID-19

Article last updated March 15th, 2020.
Introduction: Questions about COVID-19 and their answers. The questions that are asked and answered in this document:

  • Can we expect COVID-19 cases to occur in Alaska?
  • How contagious and deadly is this virus?
  • Why is everyone bringing up influenza in the context of COVID-19?
  • What happens if the new coronavirus spreads to Alaska?
  • What should Alaskans do to prevent the spread of respiratory infections?
  • What else can Alaskans be doing to prepare for COVID-19?
  • What should businesses and business owners be doing to prepare for the possibility of the
  • new coronavirus spreading in Alaska?
  • What should schools be doing?
  • What can we expect in rural areas?
  • How should Alaskans get ready to help others?
    Read the full document below.

COVID-19 Community Response

Introduction: “The State of Alaska and the US Gov. have declared a national emergency due to novel
coronavirus, or COVID-19. Please use the resources below to keep our communities safe and
healthy. If you have any questions, please contact” Read the full document below.

COVID-19 Economic Impact

Article last updated March 31rst, 2020
Introduction: “Approved in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (aka CARES Act) that was passed and signed into law on March 27, 2020, was the Economic Impact Payment, which is generally being referred to as the ‘stimulus payment’, rebate, advance tax credit and a bunch of other names I can’t remember right now. For our purposes, and shortness of title, I am going to call it ‘rebate payment’. So, here’s the when what, how much, and other ‘fun facts’ about the rebate payment. And before you place a panicked phone call to us – please make sure you read the ‘fun facts’ and strategies at the bottom of this update!!”

Unemployment Benefits and Questions

Introduction: This information may change based on federal legislation currently being considered regarding Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. In this document, links, and claims, centers are provided. The questions that are asked and answered in this document:

  • If I am no longer working as a result of COVID-19, can I file for UI benefits?
  • If my employer has allowed me to work remotely from home, am I eligible for UI benefits?
  • What if I had to take leave because my children are out of school due to closures?
  • What if I have to take the time to work because I have contracted COVID-19?
  • What is a request to isolate or quarantine?
  • What if I am advised to quarantine myself, but I am not sick and am still willing and able to work?
  • What if my employer has had to reduce staff or close their business due to COVID-19?
  • What if I contracted COVID-19 on the job?
  • How am I supposed to meet deadlines required by the UI program?
  • What if I work for a school and am not working due to school closures outside the regularly scheduled spring break dates?
    Read the full document below.

Freddie Mac COVID-19 Response

Introduction: “Freddie Mac staff is working to ensure that our employees, customers and borrowers are protected from the direct and indirect impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19). We are actively tracking the situation and making decisions based on guidance from public health authorities.”
Read the full document below.

Native Village of McGrath COVID-19 Response

Tribal Member emergency assistance
Article last posted 3/18/2020, 3:57 pm, posted by McGrath Native Village Council

During this time of uncertainty, MNVC realizes that it is a difficult time for our tribal
members as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve.
Our main concern is health, safety and well-being of our tribal members and their loved
We know that our tribal members who live in McGrath have loved ones living in
Anchorage, Fairbanks, Kenai Peninsula, the valley, lower 48.. and there is great
concern for them.
MNVC wants to assist with financial burdens tribal members may be facing.
For tribal members 60 years of age who live in McGrath, you will see a one time credit
of $250 on your next McGrath Light & Power bill. The intention was to assist Elders with
utility costs during the cold weather we experienced over the last couple of months. This
funding was allocated by Tanana Chiefs Conference under the direction of their
executive board.
This week TCC allocated an additional $7500 COVID-19 Assistance for each federally
recognized tribe in their region. These funds are for cleaning supplies and/or food.
These funds will be distributed to each McGrath tribal member household ($140). In the
next week.
In addition to these funds, McGrath Native Council will distributing a one time payment
of $300 COVID-19 Emergency Assistance to every tribal member who is on our roll as
of 3/18/2020. I will also add, it is so important to enroll your children. At the earliest, we
hope to have this paid out during the second week of April.
We hope that this makes a difference and lifts some of the burden for our tribal
This is a one time notice of request to update your mailing address. Please pass on this
information. Time is of the Essence. Please practice social distancing and stay safe.

With warmest regards,
Gina Dementoff McKindy
Tribal Administrator

Gina D. McKindy
Tribal Administrator
McGrath Native Village Council
PO BOX 134
McGrath, AK 99627
907-524-3024 office
907-524-3899 facsimile
Download the document below.

Dot Lake Village Council COVID-19 Response

Introduction: Scanned document of the response from the representatives of the Dot Lake Village Council.
Read the full document below.

COVID-19 Myths, Facts, and Common Misconceptions

Introduction: Visual power point put into a pdf that discusses many facts of COVID-19. This document also debunks many of the myths and misconceptions about COVID-19.
Read the full document below.

Other COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Universal Precautions

COVID-19 Resources for Children and Families

COVID-19 Grocery Delivery Resources

COVID-19 Holistic Health Resources

COVID-19 and Medicaid

COVID-19 and Medicare

COVID-19 Mental/Behavioral Resources

COVID-19 Resources for Seniors & Individuals with Complex Medical Conditions

COVID-19 and Utilities

COVID-19 VA Resources