High Utilizer Mat-Su Program

Mission Statement: We believe in overcoming barriers and instilling hope to build the healthiest frontier.

Vision Statement: Community, Connection, and Wellness for all Alaskans.

The Hummingbird: In the Native American culture is seen as a healer and bringer of luck, love, and joy. 

Who we are and how we can help

The High Utilizer Mat-Su (HUMS) program assists community members with a variety of social needs by reducing barriers to accessing healthcare, behavioral health services, and other services the individual may need. The program is voluntary, serves those aged 18 and older that have multiple emergency department visits.

Some Of Our Services

  • Primary Care and Specialty Doctor Referrals
  • Assist with transportation, to and from medical appointments
  • Attend appointments with you as an advocate
  • Chaperone for procedures
  • Medicaid, Medicare, SSDI referrals within our office
  • Substance abuse, detox, behavioral health and mental health referrals, and assistance with applications
  • Assistance with housing, utilities, and basic needs
  • Assistance with applications for food stamps, rental assistance, and other relief programs


“I am aware of how dedicated HUMS is to helping their clients achieve their goals, no matter what their personal goals are. I have seen how
HUMS clients are treated with dignity and respect. I see the caring and professional assistance no matter who the client is. HUMS is a valuable
and necessary program in our community.”
Provider Feedback

“The HUMS program offers necessary services to assist their clients in reaching goals for a healthier lifestyle and a proactive approach to
meeting individual needs. This program works with individuals by identifying needs and providing services that are not found elsewhere in our
area providing an invaluable service to not only clients but our community as a whole.”
Provider Feedback

To refer a client/patient, or self-refer, you may call 907-887-HUMS (4867). We will need a name and date of birth to check eligibility.

Upcoming HUMS Events

There are currently no upcoming HUMS events, please check back soon.

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